Privacy Policy & Notice

About this Policy

This privacy policy and general
privacy notice applies to MST. We at MST take your privacy seriously. and this
policy and notice has been drafted in accordance with the requirements of the
General Data Protection Regulations (“GDPR”), with the support of the legal
team at This privacy notice explains how we look after your
personal data (in all situations where we collect your data) and sets out your
privacy rights and also explains how the law and our approach to privacy and
personal data protects you. This privacy notice supplements any other privacy
notices that we may provide to you at the point that we collect data from you
and should be read in conjunction with those notices.

Our status and details

For the purpose of the GDPR we
are the data controller and any enquiry regarding the collection or processing
of your data should be addressed to our Data Protection Officer using the contact
details below: Name or title: Matthew Newby Email address:
Postal address: 5 Phillip For Way NR18 9AQ By using the Website you consent to
this policy. We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office for
this purpose.

Information we collect

We will collect, process and
store personal data only if it is directly provided to us by you. You may do
this in your capacity as the user of this Website, by enquiring in relation to
our goods or services, becoming a customer or supplier, or potential supplier.
Personal information covers any information which relates to you as an
identifiable person. Below are examples of the type of data that this may include:
(a) Identity Data including forenames, last name, maiden name, date of birth,
gender, marital status, and username or similar identifier. (b) Contact Data
may include invoicing; purchase order; home or work address, email address and
telephone numbers, personal or job title and position. (c) Financial Data may
include bank account and payment card details. (d) Special Category Data for
example health or medical data, details about your race, religion, sex and
political opinions. (e) Transaction Data may include payments made for products
and services you have purchased from us, or in relation to payments that we
have made to you. (f) Technical Data may include internet protocol (IP)
address, browser type and version, time zone setting and location, browser
plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform and other technology
on the devices used to access this Website. (g) Profile and Usage Data may
include enquiries submitted by you, purchases information, feedback and survey
responses, and how you use our website, products and services. (h) Marketing
Data may include details of any preference that you have advised us of in
relation to marketing communications from us. We may also collect non-personal
data such as Aggregated Data which is data that may be obtained from your
personal data, but which does not directly or indirectly identify you. This may
include Usage Data detailing how you use our Website and the features and areas
that you have interacted with.

How do we collect your personal data?

A range of different methods may
be used to collect data which may include the following methods: (a) Direct
interactions with us in person, by post, phone, email or otherwise. You may
give us your Identity, Contact and Financial Information. (b) Automated
technologies or interactions with our website, by using the web enquiry form,
[or the shopping cart on this website]. You may give us Identity, Contact and
Financial Information. (c) Third parties or publicly available sources (third
parties may be used in processing Identity, Contact and Financial categories of
personal data).

Data accuracy

It is important that the data
that we hold about you is accurate and up to date. In the event that your data
changes please notify us so that we can update our records.

Use of your information

We may hold and process personal
data that you provide to us in accordance with the GDPR. The information that
we collect and store relating to you is primarily used: (a) To enable us to
provide our services to you, to communicate with you and to meet our
contractual commitments to you. This may include Identity, Contact, Financial
and Transactional data. (b) To notify you about any changes to our business,
such as improvements to our Website or service/product changes, that may affect
our service or relationship with you. This may include Identity and Contact
data. (c) If you are an existing customer, we may contact you with information
about goods and services similar to those that were the subject of a previous
sale to you. This may include Identity and Contact data. (d) Where you have
consented to receive such information, to provide information on other parties’
products or services that we feel may be of interest to you. This may include
Identity, Contact and Marketing data. (e) Where you have consented to receive
our e-newsletters to provide that to you. This may include Identity and Contact
data. (f) Where we need to comply with a legal obligation. This may include
Identity, Contact and Transactional data. (g) Where it is necessary for our
legitimate interests (or those of a third party) and your interests and
fundamental rights do not override those interests. This may include all types
of data. Where we collect your data for marketing purposes we will always
request your consent, at the point the data is collected, to use your data for
that purpose. We will always obtain your prior consent to sharing your personal
data with any third party for their marketing purposes. This may be to enable
relevant third parties to advise you of products or services that may be of
interest to you. We will only use your personal data for a reason other than
the purpose for which it was originally obtained if we consider that we need to
use it for that other purpose and have a legitimate interest in doing so.

Disclosure of your information

There are a range of
circumstances where we may disclose your data to third parties. These include:
(a) Regulatory bodies. We may disclose your data to regulatory bodies to enable
us to comply with the law and to assist fraud protection and minimise credit
risk. This may include Identity, Contact and Transactional data. (b) Our
Suppliers. We may disclose your data to third parties that are involved in the
fulfilment of our services to you. This may include Identity, Contact and
Transactional data. (c) Third party marketing. Where you have consented for us
to do so, we may provide your data to selected third parties who may contact
you about their goods or services that you may be interested in. This may include
Identity, Contact and Marketing data. (d) Business sale. We may disclose your
personal data outside of our organisation: (a) in the event that we sell or buy
any business or assets, in which case we may disclose your personal data to the
prospective seller or buyer of such business or assets; and (b) if MST’s
business is bought by a third party, in which case personal data held by it
about its customers will be one of the assets to transfer to the buyer.
However, any such transfer will only be on terms that the confidentiality of
your personal data is protected and that the terms of this privacy policy will
continue to be complied with by the recipient. Please be advised that we do not
reveal information about identifiable individuals to our advertisers, but we
may, on occasion, provide them with Aggregated Data about our Website visitors
and customers. If you do not want us to share your data with third parties you
will have the opportunity to withhold your consent to this when you provide
your details to us on the form on which we collect your data, or you can do so
by writing to us at the address detailed above or sending us an email to
at any time.

Controlling the use of your data

Where we rely on consent as the
lawful basis for processing your data you can revoke or vary that consent at
any time. If you do not want us to use your data or want to vary the consent
that you have provided you can write to us at the address detailed in clause 2
or email us at
at any time.

Data storage and the transfer your data

As part of the services offered
to you, for example through our Website, the information you provide to us may
be transferred to and stored in countries outside of the European Economic Area
(EEA) as we use remote website server hosts to provide the website and some
aspects of our service, which may be based outside of the EEA, or use servers
based outside of the EEA – this is generally the nature of data stored in “the
Cloud”. It may also be processed by staff operating outside the EEA who work
for one of our suppliers, e.g. our website server host, payment processing
provider, or work for us when temporarily outside of the EEA. A transfer of
your personal data may happen if any of our servers are located in a country
outside of the EEA or one of our service providers is located in a country
outside of the EEA. If you use our service while you are outside the EEA, your
personal data may be transferred outside the EEA in order to provide you with
these services. If we transfer or store your personal data outside the EEA in
this way, we will take steps with the aim of ensuring that your privacy rights
continue to be protected, as outlined in this privacy policy. Where we use
suppliers based in the US, we may transfer data to them if they are part of the
Privacy Shield which requires them to provide similar protection to personal
data shared between the Europe and the US.


The transmission of information
via the Internet or email is not completely secure. Although we will do our
best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee the security of data
while you are transmitting it to our site; any such transmission is at your own
risk. We have put in place security measures to prevent your data from
accidental, loss or disclosure. Once we have received your personal data, we
will use strict procedures and security features to try to prevent unauthorised
access. Where we have given you (or where you have chosen) a password so that
you can access certain parts of our site, you are responsible for keeping this
password confidential. You should choose a password it is not easy for someone
to guess. In the event of a data breach we will notify the ICO and you in the
event that the breach results in any likelihood of loss or damage to you.

Data retention

The length of time that we
retain, and store data depends on the purpose for which it was collected. We
will only store data for as long as is required to fulfil that purpose, or for
the purpose of satisfying legal requirements. It is a legal requirement that we
keep certain data about our customers and suppliers for at least six years. The
type of data includes Contact, Identity, Financial and Transaction Data. Where
you have requested that we provide you with marketing materials we will retain
your data until such time as consent is withdrawn by you.

Use of cookies

This website uses cookies to
ensure that it works correctly and is secure. We would also like your consent
to use cookies to analyse how you use our site. This will help us to improve
our service and tailor the marketing that you see on our website. Your
preferences can be updated at any time by clicking the ‘C’ icon in the bottom
left of our website We use the following cookies, depending on what consent you
have given;

Functional/Necessary Cookies

These cookies are required to run
our website and to save your preferences. Session Cookie
ASP.NET_SessionId Required as part of ASP.NET which runs this website to
anonymously keep your session active. Deleted when you close your browser. Cookie
bongocookieconsent Saves your cookie consent preferences and
prevents cookie disclaimer from displaying every time a page is visited. This
cookie lasts 1 year.

Statistical Cookies

If enabled, these cookies allow
us to evaluate the performance of our website through anonymous data on what
pages are viewed. Google Analytics



_gid Used to anonymously track
pages that are viewed and measure what actions are taken, for example pages
that are visited and how many times forms are completed.

Your rights

The GDPR gives you a range of
rights in relation to the personal data that we collect from. You have the
right to: (a) Access your personal data. This right is commonly known as the
‘data subject access request’ and enables you to receive a copy of the personal
data we hold about you. You will not need to pay a fee to access your personal
data unless we can justifiably demonstrate that the request is repetitive or
excessive. We will respond to all legitimate data access requests within one
month, but we may need to obtain further information from you in order to
confirm your identity and the legitimacy of the request. (b) Request update of
the personal data. This enables you to have any incomplete or inaccurate data
corrected. (c) Erasure of your personal data. This enables you to ask us to
delete personal data where there is no justifiable reason for us continuing to
retain and process it. We may not always be able to delete the data such as if
there is an ongoing contractual relationship between us or if we are legally
required to retain the data. (d) Object to processing of your personal data
where we are relying on consent or our legitimate interests (or those of a
third party) as the justification for processing the data. (e) Restrict the
processing of your personal data. This enables you to ask us to change the
processing of your personal data. For example, you may wish to vary the basis
on which we contact you. (f) Request the transfer of your personal data to you
or to a third party. We will provide to you, or a third party you have chosen,
your personal data in a structured, machine-readable format. (g) Withdraw
consent. Where we are relying on consent to process your personal data you may
withdraw that consent. If you withdraw your consent, we may not be able to
provide certain products or services to you. We will advise you if this is the
case at the time you withdraw your consent. You can exercise these rights at
any time by writing to us at the address detailed above, or by email to

Third party links

You might find links to third
party websites on our website. If you click a link to a third-party website and
visit that site, you may be allowing that site to collect and share certain
data about you. These websites should have their own privacy policies, which
you should check. We do not accept any responsibility or liability for their
policies whatsoever as we have no control over them.


If you wish to raise a complaint
regarding our use of your personal data then you can contact the Information
Commissioner’s Office (ICO), who are the UK supervisory authority for data
protection issues. ( If you do wish to raise a
complain then we would welcome the opportunity to discuss your concerns before
you contact the ICO to see if we can resolve the issue for you.

Changes to this policy

We may update these policies to
reflect changes to the website and customer feedback. Please regularly review
these policies to be informed of how we are protecting your personal data. We
welcome any queries, comments or requests you may have regarding this Privacy
Policy. Please do not hesitate to contact us. Version: December 2021


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